Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Thanks to L, I figured out how to change my background, I am currently having a bad day, and wish it could just be over. It's also pouring rain out , and all I've been doing all day is changing multiple poop diapers, ( including 1 explosion one) and trying to discipline my very over -tired , exausted, disobedient 4 year old, which is cleary not working and I'm left feeling like a useless mother. Just got Kierson up from a nap and his diaper was found not on his butt where it should be, but on his pillow in his crib. Once I saw it, he laughed and pointed to it , thinking it was hilarious. I was exspecting to find a nice mess in his crib got lucky, all clean. He and Tye fight now. Caiden has never ever layed hands on a kid or taken a toy in his life ( besides Kierson ocassionally) but man - o man Tye and K are pretty darn mean to eachother, K is much larger than Tye and a little push can send him flying. Tye also learned apparently how to "roll his eyes" , he came to my house Monday morning with this new found skill, I'm not a big fan. He rolls his eyes and abruptly truns around and walks the other way. Little attitude, that needs to stop. Would love if one of these days they both would learn to talk,,,, so much grunting an dfussing , but no effort is made by either one. They all entertain themselves amazing, K has been playing with my waterbottle for the last 20 min,,,, throwing it around and thinking it's just an excpetional new toy.


Amy Jo said...

Tye can roll his eyes? I've never heard of a baby doing that. I wonder where he gets that from....

Deliagang said...

That website is blocking the begining of your blog.
Love the new make over. I think you should start journaling on your blog.....would love it.